学生投诉程序的目的是为学生提供一个程序, both undergrad and graduate, to seek resolution of disputes and complaints that do not fall within the scope of one of the other complaint procedures.
When to Use the Student Complaint Procedure
At North Park University, there are a number of complaint procedures through which students can raise and seek redress for what they believe to be unfair, improper or discriminatory decisions, actions, or treatment. 北园认真对待所有投诉,并遵循适当的政策.
This complaint procedure may not be invoked for matters that have independent appeal processes established. 这些例子包括但不限于:
1. If the matter involves an academic decision, the Student Academic Grievance Procedure applies. (Found in the Student Handbook.)
2. 如果涉及到住房或室友的问题, the Student Housing Grievance Procedure applies. (Found in the Student Handbook.)
3. 如果事件涉及歧视、骚扰、偏见和/或性侵犯 Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Violence, Relationship Violence or Retaliation 适用并优先于其他可能也适用的投诉程序(e.g., a roommate is accused of sexual harassment).
4. If the matter involves a parking violation, the Parking Violations Appeals process applies.
5. If the matter involves a violation of the policies and community standards in the Student Handbook, then the Student Conduct process applies. (Found in the Student Handbook.)
6. 如果这件事涉及到由于学业进步而产生的经济资助,那么 Satisfactory Academic Progress process applies.
7. If the matter involves financial aid award package, the Financial Aid Appeal process applies. (Found in the Academic Catalog.)
如果没有具体的程序已经到位, the Student Complaint Procedure may be utilized to formally identify the issue or dispute and seek its resolution. The process is outlined below. 对副总裁的决定或行为提出质疑的投诉, provost, or dean (for which no other specific complaint or appeal process is provided) proceed directly to Step 4.
- Denial of disability accommodations
- 涉及1974年《亚游集团官方网站》(FERPA)的索赔
- Policy or procedure applied unfairly and/or in a different manner than it was applied to others
- 在执行政策或程序时出现的行政错误
- 对教师对学习成绩的评价提出异议
- Academic probation, disqualification, or other academic decisions by a department, college, or the university
- University student conduct action
- Academic dishonesty allegations
- Parking citations
- Debt to the University
- 根据任何学校政策进行投诉的报复
- Federal and State Laws
- Employment and personnel decisions
- Policies of the Board of Trustees
Complaint Procedure
受委屈的学生必须先与工作人员协商, faculty member, 或者是试图解决问题的学生. 如果学生不习惯先向工作人员或教职员工讲话, you may skip to Step 2. You may also choose to report any non-academic complaint through the Report a Non-Academic Grievance form in the EARS.
Using EARS to report a non-academic grievance
- 使用您的北公园电子邮件地址和密码登录EARS.
- 从启动台上,单击标有“请求帮助”的救生衣图标.
- 在新推荐页面上,在顶部填写您的联系信息.
- In the Referral section, 单击下拉菜单,选择“报告非学术投诉-学生表格”.
- Fill out each field with as much detail as possible to give the University enough information to properly address your complaint.
- Click Preview and review your responses. 准备好后,单击Submit以完成报告.
Unresolved complaints shall be filed in writing by the student with the appropriate staff or faculty member’s supervisor and/or human resources. In the case of a complaint against a student, 书面投诉应提交给学生教务处. 在与人力资源助理副总裁协商后, dean of students and/or the supervisor, an inquiry will be conducted and an attempt to resolve the matter impartially and as quickly as possible. This step is generally concluded within ten (10) business days of the date the complaint was received.
如果学生对先前的决定不满意, the student can present the complaint, in writing, to the vice president, provost, or dean, as appropriate. 投诉在任何情况下都应及时提出, 在第二步决定后的五个工作日内. The complaint must summarize the decision, action, 或者其他令人悲伤的事情,并解释为什么它受到挑战. 应附上任何相关文件的副本. The vice president, provost, or dean receiving the complaint, 或者指定负责解决投诉的人, will conduct any investigation deemed necessary, 包括学生之间的联合会议, the person who is the subject of the complaint, if any, 以及负责任何政策或程序的大学官员. In the event of a meeting, both the grievant and any person who is the subject of the complaint may request the assistance and presence of another member of the North Park University Community. 适当的副校长、教务长、院长或指定人员将立即作出决定.
如果学生对第3步的决定不满意,学生可以向 president of the University. The appeal must be made no later than five business days after the prior decision and shall be in writing. The appeal must summarize the decision, action, or other matter at issue, explain why it is being challenged, 并描述投诉过程的任何先前步骤, including the determination. 应附上任何相关文件的副本. 主席应根据提交的记录决定上诉, 以及总统认为适当的其他调查. 主席的决定是最终的和有约束力的.
Additional Provisions
我们将尽一切努力及时解决投诉. 本政策规定的时间限制可以通过双方书面协议延长. 如果双方没有书面协议延长期限, 如果学生未能在规定的时间内上诉到下一级, 该投诉将在最后作出的决定的基础上被视为解决. If the University fails to act on a complaint or to notify the student of the decision at any level within the specified time limits, the student will be permitted to appeal to the next level within the time that would have been allotted had the decision been communicated within the appropriate time limit.
Retaliation is defined as adverse action against an individual who has (1) complained about alleged Prohibited Conduct or otherwise utilized a complaint procedure created by the University, (二)作为当事人或者证人参加调查, investigation, 或与此类指控或投诉有关的听证会, or (3) participated as a party or witness in a court proceeding or administrative investigation relating to such allegations. 校园内任何成员的报复, including students, faculty, and staff, 是被州和联邦法律禁止的并且违反了北公园政策. Retaliation is strictly prohibited.
投诉人可采取临时措施. Interim measures are temporary measures to ensure the integrity of the process and to safeguard the complainant and the University community. Such measures may include changes to academic, living, transportation, or working situations and limiting or suspending access to University facilities and events or regulating continued interaction between the complainant and the subject of the complaint. 如投诉人希望探讨采取临时措施的可能性, 请与学生教务长或人力资源助理副校长联系.
Students should complete North Park’s internal complaint process before seeking external resolution of the issue. External agencies may refer complaints back to the University if the student has not gone through the University’s process.
根据高等教育委员会政策FDCR.A.10.030 -院校学生投诉记录, 北园大学已制定了上述学生投诉程序. North Park University is required by law to share information about the complaints with its accrediting agency, the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools; however, individual identities will not be revealed without the express permission of the complainant or as required by law.
The Dean of Students Office will annually review the data to identify any trends/issues that warrant further investigation, revision to existing policies, etc.
学生是否希望向监管机构提出投诉, the contact information is listed below. Please note that these offices will require that a student first seek resolution directly with the institution by following the defined complaint or grievance policy.
- 伊利诺伊州-伊利诺伊州高等教育委员会: http://complaints.ibhe.org
- The Higher Learning Commission: hlcommission.org/HLC-institutions/complaints.html
如对本政策的解释有任何疑问,可向 dean of students.